
Face/Hair Modifier Tool v1.4 for Blender 2.67 by sxsxsx

PES 2013 Face-Hair Modifier Tool v1.4 for Blender 2.67 - 2

PES 2013 Face-Hair Modifier Tool v1.4 for Blender 2.67

Note 1:i have no more time for deeply testing so let me know if you see any critical bugs/errors, send me just only tool problems no blender or system problems, for install and usage watch the tutorial and my youtube videos, enjoy with it and feel free give me any feedback…

Note 2:First of all watch the my youtube tutorial carefully and dont forget install script and copy again ‘pes_temp’ folder, after then run blender then clean the scene (delete all objects) and ‘File->Save Startup File’, use empty scene !!

Note 3:You know switch to ‘Edit Mode’ for editing object , the whole object must be at center of origin before exporting, if you add more objects, change objects name like ‘ref_face/ref_hair’ or hide them before exporting because tool exports only objects if name starts with ‘Face.. / Hair..’ and if objects visible…

Simple install my GUI layout: download and copy ‘startup.blend’ file to“C:\Users\Your_User_Name\AppData\Roaming\Blend er Foundation\Blender\2.67\config\”
Download my ‘startup.blend‘ : https://www.box.com/s/k7zrov9eadqon6d53665
after then ur blender looks like this:
Face-Hair Modifier Tool - 2 Face-Hair Modifier Tool

PES 2013 Face/Hair Modifier Tool v1.4 for Blender 2.67 features:
* Face and Hair 3D Model Import/Export
* Face and Hair Texture Import/Export
* added auto ‘LOD Fixer’ when exporting
* Auto-DDS Convertion
* Max. texture support is 2048×2048
* Auto-Import default bump_tex to last slot for faces
* removed unused data-blocks for optimizing filesize
* Auto-Export UV Assigned texture in Edit Mode
* Instant vertex count checker while editing model
* auto-export only visible objects
* added Alpha Mode for hair texture
* added Auto-set kitserver directory for quick export

Tutorials and Download Links:

Download Tool Final v1.4 -> https://www.box.com/s/31g49r361612zs6ksuy1
* watch the tutorial for install tool
* if you have installed tool before just replace ‘pes_face_modifier.py’ into “C:\Users\Your_User_Name\AppData\Roaming\Blend er Foundation\Blender\2.67\scripts\addons\”

Important Note:vertex count is not equal’ warning message fix
vortex could - 2 vortex could

its normal mate(same error for me if i something wrong to do) you have to follow some rules like these;

* vertex count is must be equal with base model (no add/remove any vertex or face)
* working on the ‘right base model’ (base mode is always last imported model)
* if you save work and close blender, base model data will be lost(like vertex count) because all data stores in RAM (if you want save-continue work, i have a simple trick for that, i explain it below)

* Tip (Save-Continue):no need to File->Save in blender, just select a path and export model before close blender, after then run again blender you have to see empty scene, select exported model from tool and import again, now you can continue your work..

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